Hello there, new year. You always make me feel a tiny bit inadequate. I believe it's normal to be able to sum up the old year in a nice little bundle. To figure where you've been and where you're going. Make resolutions, I suppose.
But life is messy, and my mature brain is a network of fibres hopelessly tangled by some metaphysical kitten. (An escapee from Schrodinger's cat-box, no doubt.) Every thought is connected to every other thought, if you follow Ariadne's thread far enough into the maze.
See what I mean? Away they go...
This week my beloved brain's wanderlust has been more obvious than usual. I'm writing a novel (yay!) and I make reasonable progress in the morning. Afternoons, not so much. In mid-sentence I tend to slide into Googleworld in search of, for example:
- the meaning of Libertia Peregrinas (or is it Peregrinans?)
- a biography of Anne-Marie Libert, 19th century Belgian botanist
- photos of shearers' quarters on Canterbury farms
- the difference between golf carts, ATVs and quad bikes
- earthquake damage in Rangiora.
And so is blogging.
Why the New Zealand native longfin eel (tuna) should be the official symbol for the Year of the Snake: see my business blog.
Photo: Inside Lyttelton Tunnel (c) FishnChips on VirtualTourist.com.
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